Friday 6 June 2014

Digging has started

Well i got the meeting with building control on Monday afternoon. Digging the garage foundations started on Tuesday and i almost finished yesterday, just one corner to clean up. Unfortunately cant get any concrete till Monday afternoon! so hopefully no collapses over the weekend. The trench is two meters deep at one end due to trees, so that's a lot of mud if it does collapse! I've started to get some video footage to make a series of short films as a sort of build diary, don't expect any Youtube video soon though as my laptop is a bit slow for video editing.

Sunday 1 June 2014

We can start!

Nearly a year on since getting planning permission, and the conditions have finally been discharged so we can officially start building our house :D Yay!
Hopefully i can get a meeting with building control Monday, and then let the digging commence. Robins Nest has now started.