Tuesday 31 March 2015

The garage is under way.

Wow it's been a while since i've updated you, but a lot has been happening!
We have had a lot of these:

And the ground dried out enough for me to lay the first of many trench blocks:

My stand alone mixing kit has been very useful as theres obviously no power up there and an electric mixer is more useful for my job. These garden tractors are so useful for transporting things around in the trailers.

My Dad (in next two pics) has been awesome with helping me out move things on quickly, Thanks Dad!

And the inspector gives her approval :)

The the trench blocks went round, then a layer of engineering bricks for the inner and outer skin brought the walls up to floor level. Then filled the hardcore base in. And got some road planings in for the drive so the concrete lorries can get in without getting stuck.

A finer grade of sub base to level off and fill in the holes, compacted down, and finished with a sand blinding.

Me then giving a final wacker plate

My Dad and Brother came over to help put the damp proof membrane down.

We had to use a B475 reinforced mesh.

And then just wait for the concrete to arrive :)

Things have started to move quickly at last! :)
Next update in a couple days.