Sunday, 1 November 2015

A delayed update.

It would seem I've neglected my blog, but then I'm not really sure anyone reads it anyway, so my time has been better spent building the garage rather than writing about it.
Anyway, in July, we got the timber wall plate on the internal blocks and lintels over the door openings. And brought the bricks up on the outside to give more strength to the walls to hold the roof up.

Then mid July my Dad, brother and me got all the trusses on and braced in a day.


Then after filling in the internal gable ends with the blocks, my Dad and brother came back for a couple days to help get the felt, battens and tiles on.

August i brought the brickwork up on the two gable ends

October I made the steel doors ready to clad in Oak, and fitted the small door.

End of October the Oak cladding arrived and the doors are nearly finished.

Thats all for now, i'll update when the garage is finished. The house will be started very soon as i'd like to get out the ground before the winter sets in and creates puddles everywhere!