Monday 28 July 2014

More Mud moved

The pile of mud (or should i say mountain) is getting smaller:) Another mud moving day completed today and im knackered! Phili was in the digger again and just me on the tractor and trailer today. Its hard work just me tractoring as there's no break between loads, and although the trailers tips I still have to spade it out of the trailer bed and push it down the slope, and hook out the large lumps and stack to one side so they dont crash at the bottom breaking through the fence:)
Im gradually finding things i dont want anymore in the shed and selling them on to fund a laptop fast enough to edit the video footage im shooting so you can see all this. My plan is to make it all in to a build diary as i go to accompany my blog here.
Im hoping to get some chevron tyres off a friend for the other tractor to increase grip, then hopefully my brother will come back for another mud moving day.

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